Saturday 29 August 2009

Blue Planet

Sunday 23rd August - Blue Planet Aquarium, with Uncle Jon and Grandad.


Saturday 22nd August - Uncle Jon took us to Conwy, where we explored the castle, walked along the quay and visited the smallest house in the country and a wonderful Elizabethan town house. Ellie and Uncle Jon walked round the walls before we met up again on the suspension bridge.


Wednesday 19th August - tent packed away for the year (sob) we stopped off at Rheged on the way back to Meols, and played on the spacehoppers.


Tuesday 18th August - Oasis Wildlife Park. Ellie was Junior Zookeeper for the afternoon and fed banana to a Pacu, prawns to mudskippers and fruit to bats. Other jobs included looking after chicks, checking on a variety of reptiles (including Speedy the Biting Tortoise) and cleaning out the meerkats. A brilliant day out.


On the way back from Windermere we stopped in Grasmere for gingerbread supplies.


No photos from Aug 16th as it was wet and miserable. With the flood alert still in place we stayed in Keswick, with retail therapy in the morning and a trip to the Pencil Museum in the afternoon.
Monday 17th August - we went to the Aquarium of the Lakes in the morning, ate our lunch overlooking Windermere before going over to Fell Foot Park and building a den with new friends Abbie and Edie.

Lanercost and Bewcastle

Later in the day we visited Lanercost Priory and Bewcastle Cross, driving past Askerton Castle. The sun came out!

Up North

Saturday 15th August - flood warning issued, so we had to pack up most of our stuff before heading up to Brampton to visit Aunty June, Uncle Ian and Mac the dog.

Muncaster Castle

Friday 14th August - Muncaster Castle, the World Owl Centre and some chap teaching circus skills. In the rain.

On to Keswick

Thursday 13th August - we left sunny dry Malvern and headed for Keswick. Packing took all morning, the journey took all afternoon (who made the M6 so LONG?!) but at least Uncle Jon met us there to help pitch. And then the rain started to fall....

Goodbye to Malvern

Wednesday 12th August - our last full day in Malvern. Ellie went to Upton and then swimming with her new friend Siobhan, while Malachi and I went to Great Malvern and drove round admiring the views.

West Midland Safari Park

Tuesday 11th August - West Midland Safari Park. The safari was a bit of a nightmare - bumper to bumper in blazing sunshine - but Ellie enjoyed the rides. Over and over again.

Warwick Castle

Monday 10th August - Warwick Castle. Ellie learnt to juggle, threw rats through a hoop and watched the trebuchet firing. Malachi thoroughly enjoyed the Princess Tower, especially the queue.

Cadbury World

Sunday 9th August - Cadbury World. Yes, we did end up feeling a bit sick... but it was worth it.

Hartlebury Castle

We all enjoyed Worcestershire County Museum at Hartlebury Castle, with its reconstruction of a Victorian kitchen, collection of gypsy caravans, bicycles and old toys.


Sunday 8th August - Worcester and the Cathedral.


Uncle Jon joined us on Thursday night, and on Friday we went to Goodrich and Raglan Castles (and Usk, but it was closed. And another one, but we went to the park instead.)

Eastnor Castle

Eastnor Castle is very close to Hanley Swan. There's a maze, an assault course, a castle and a lot of vintage cars. Plus the Big Chill festival, which caused massive traffic jams.


Three days of frantic washing later (thanks Granny) we were off to the Blackmore C & C Club site in Hanley Swan at the foot of the Malvern Hills. A lovely site with plenty of sunshine, bush crickets and a sink to wash Malachi in!

Sunday 2 August 2009

Kids Strike at Thains Lane.

Time to go home ...

So that was it. A fantastic week of sunshine (and a few showers), wine, friends, sand, sea and ladybirds.

We're all missing Martha the Breakfast Monitor, Louisa the Nappy Assistant, Lauren the Peek-A-Boo Queen, Lucy the Buggy Pusher and James the Entertainer Extraordinaire, as well as Katie & Lucy who did all the cooking & much much more (thanks ladies), Rob who did everything from splatting wasps to building high chairs, Yvonne & Andy with their tent full of gadgets and Mark, Carol & Rosie who took Ellie off our hands for a night (and she loved it).

With thanks to Lily Allen (It's Not Fair and I Think You're Really Mean), Cromer Underpants Shop, the man in the red Speedos and dairy free milk. Remember, it's a game for CHILDREN...

Next stop the Malvern Hills.

The last night

The last night! We went for a meal at the Village Pub, said goodbye to Rosie and bought a Pimms carry-out.

In Loving Memory of (Great) Granny & Grandad

In Overstrand Church there's a chair with a memorial plaque to (Great) Grandad. We went there with Aunty Jo to add a plaque in memory of (Great) Granny, who we miss very much.

Aunty Josie

Malachi meets Aunty Josie.

Cromer Zoo

We all went to Cromer Zoo. And got very, very wet!

Ice Cream!

Ice creams all round to celebrate catching crabs!

Don't jump, Katie!

Where have all the kids gone?

Crab Fishing

Crab fishing on Cromer Pier.