Sunday 2 August 2009

Time to go home ...

So that was it. A fantastic week of sunshine (and a few showers), wine, friends, sand, sea and ladybirds.

We're all missing Martha the Breakfast Monitor, Louisa the Nappy Assistant, Lauren the Peek-A-Boo Queen, Lucy the Buggy Pusher and James the Entertainer Extraordinaire, as well as Katie & Lucy who did all the cooking & much much more (thanks ladies), Rob who did everything from splatting wasps to building high chairs, Yvonne & Andy with their tent full of gadgets and Mark, Carol & Rosie who took Ellie off our hands for a night (and she loved it).

With thanks to Lily Allen (It's Not Fair and I Think You're Really Mean), Cromer Underpants Shop, the man in the red Speedos and dairy free milk. Remember, it's a game for CHILDREN...

Next stop the Malvern Hills.

1 comment:

Katie & Rob Howlett said...

So true!!! Did you take a picture of red speedo man?